Jeff Urlwin writes:
 > This might be a bit off topic, but...
 > [snip]
 > >
 > >          ... WHERE (product_code = ? OR (? IS NULL AND
 > > product_code IS NULL))
 > >
 > >        and bind the same value to both placeholders.
 > >
 > > I understand the reasoning for this, and why it's the only way for
 > > database servers that don't understand "= null".
 > >
 > > However this syntax does NOT work with DBD::Sybase because of the way
 > > OpenClient handles the prepare. The issue is the "? is null" part:
 > > neither the Sybase client libs, nor the server can determine what
 > > datatype the placeholder is supposed to be, and I see no way to add a
 > > directive to tell the server that this item is of the same type as
 > > "product_code".
 > Does any database understand ? is null or ? = 3 or ? = 'foo', given that ?
 > must be a column/function or some other name important for the query parsing
 > (i.e. not a "value" per se)?

Well - according to the DBI docs they do.

And I can definitely write similar code in Transact SQL, for example
in a stored proc:

create proc foo (@p varchar)
select ... from sometable where (name = @p or (@p is null and name is

 > > Sybase, on the other hand, understands "= null".
 > >
 > That's handy.


 > > I'll document this in the DBD::Sybase docs, but I just wanted to flag
 > > the fact that the method documented in the DBI docs is unfortunately
 > > not portable to Sybase (and *probably* not to ODBC when using a
 > > Sybase). I don't know if ODBC w/MS-SQL handles this correctly or not.
 > Which part, the = null or the ? is null?
 > With SQL Server 2000 and DBD::ODBC,
 >      col_a = null returns no rows
 >      col_a is null returns 1 row
 >      ? is null (passing col_a) returns 0 rows

Ah. I wonder how the "? is null" bit is handled at the protocol

Michael Peppler - Data Migrations Inc. -
International Sybase User Group -

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