On 2003-02-06 14:16:39 -0500, Janet Goldstein wrote:
> I am running Perl 5.6.0 on a DEC Alpha. I wish to access an Oracle
> database located on a different machine. Do I still need to install
> DBD::Oracle locallly (on the machine running the script),


> or is DBI enough by itself?

No. DBI by itself cannot access any database. You could use DBD::Proxy
if can't install DBD::Oracle on the client for some reason.

> If DBD::Oracle is required, then at installation do I tell it the
> host's ORACLE_HOME and so forth, or what?


> As it happens, there is an Oracle database on the local machine
> running the script,

Good. You don't need the database, but you do need the libraries, config
files, etc. 

> but that's not the database we want to access....

Simply specify the other database in the connect string.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer      | Unser Universum wäre betrüblich
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