Jeff Zucker wrote:

> Tim Bunce wrote:
>>On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 10:07:29AM -0800, Jeff Zucker wrote:
>>>use SQL::Statement;
>>>   print $SQL::Statement::VERSION;
>>Or run this command
>>perl -MSQL::Statement=9999
> Hmm, what am I missing?  That doesn't work for me with SQL::Statement.
>  It also doesn't work for me with DBD::ODBC, DBD::ADO, DBD::CSV although
> it does work with DBI and with DBD::Pg.  What do I need to do in the
> module to get this to work?

I also occasionally use the syntax

        perl -MModule::Name -le 'print Module::Name->VERSION'

2:35pm {20} pcp02404936pcs:/home/webdragon>$ perl -MCGI -MSQL::Statement -le 
'print CGI->VERSION; print SQL::Statement->VERSION'

usually this works very well.

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