Dear Tanyi (Paul Twa),

Sorry about top-posting this response - blame Lotus Notes.

I don't understand your problem.  What do you mean by 'truncated'.  Please
provide a complete, self-contained test script that illustrates the problem
on your system, and include the actual output and what you think is the
correct output (possibly with an explanation of why you think that is
correct).  Also, provide information about the platform (machine, o/s), and
software (Perl, DBI, DBD::Informix, ESQL/C, IDS) that you are using.

Looking at your code, you can tighten it up.  For example, you have 'my
$sth;' declared outside the eval block, but you never attempt to use it
outside the eval block.  Use:

      my $sth = $dbh->prepare(...)

You are busy binding parameters explicitly - that's hard work for something
that is going to be used once.  Just use:


The $sth->finish() is not needed - it is only needed if you terminate a
fetch loop early.

Ideally, your test case should look something like the following.  For any
non-Informix users perusing this, the curly-brackets enclose inline
comments in Informix's dialect of SQL.

use DBD::Informix::TestHarness;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $table = "test_table";
my $dbh = connect_to_test_database({RaiseError => 1});
$dbh->do(qq%CREATE TEMP TABLE $table (object_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY {,
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq%INSERT INTO $table VALUES(? {, ? ... })%);
$sth->execute(0); # Add extra values as needed
my $serial = $sth->{ix_sqlerrd}[1];
print "SERIAL = $serial\n";

When I run this (Perl 5.8.0, DBI 1.37, DBD::Informix 2003.04, ESQL/C
9.52.UC1, IDS 9.30.UC3 on Solaris 8), it produces the answer I expect -
"SERIAL = 1".

Jonathan Leffler ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
STSM, Informix Database Engineering, IBM Data Management
4100 Bohannon Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: +1 650-926-6921   Tie-Line: 630-6921
      "I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it!"

Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 9:44:51 +0800
From: "tanyi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Dear Tim:
   I'm from china,one of your faithful reader to the book of  "Programming
the Perl DBI".
   I do really enjoy and benefit a lot.
   May I have your answer for a question?
#use function mdbi_execute
($r_recordset, $nrows) = mdbi_execute($dbh, $sql, 1, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
#There is a problem.
   $sql='insert into a_objects(object_id) VALUES (?)';
                       #the data type of the  field of 'object_id' is
serial(1) (INFORMIX)

  the result of this execution  is that ,compare with the original
values,the values of 'object_id' were truncated .


#define function mdbi_execute
sub mdbi_execute
        my $dbh = shift;
        my $sql = shift;
        my $return_flag = shift;
        my $parameter_list = shift;
        my @parameters;
        my $sth;                # A SQL statement handle
        my @recordset;
        my @recordsets;
        my $nrows;
        my $i;
        # Use eval to trap prepare and execute error but don't quit program
        #print "@$parameter_list"."\n"."$sql \n";
                $sth = $$dbh->prepare($sql)
                        || die "Can't prepare SQL statemant:\n\n
$DBI::errstr \n\n $sql\n\n";
                # Handle the parameters_list
                if(!defined $parameter_list)
                                || die "Can't execute SQL statemant:\n\n
$DBI::errstr \n\n $sql\n\n";
                        for($i = 0; $i < @$parameter_list; $i++)
                                || die "Can't execute SQL statemant b:\n\n
$DBI::errstr \n\n $sql\n\n";
                @recordset = ();
                if($return_flag == 1)
                        @recordsets = $sth->fetchrow_array;
                }elsif($return_flag == 2)
                        while(@recordset = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                                push @recordsets, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
                                @recordset = ();
                if($sth->rows == -1)
                        $nrows = 0;
                        $nrows = $sth->rows;
                print $@;
                return -1, $@;
        if($return_flag == 0)
                return 1, $nrows;
        }elsif($return_flag == 1 || $return_flag == 2)
                return [EMAIL PROTECTED], $nrows;
   This is the first time that I enter into this forum.
   I`m looking forward to your email and I do hope you could provide me
with some related information(network ,source code and materials etc).
Any help would be appreciated!
                                                  Paul Twa



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