Brendan O Connor wrote:

I am having a problem installing DBD::Informix.

when I run /usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL
, I get ...

Testing whether your Informix test environment will work...
ESQLTEST Program Running:
@(#)$Id:,v 100.3 2002/02/08 22:49:23 jleffler Exp $
        $INFORMIXDIR is set to '/apps/informix'.
        $INFORMIXSERVER is set to 'shm_on'.
        $DBI_DBNAME unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE2 unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME2 is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD2 is unset.
Testing connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info
SQL: -25588: The appl process cannot connect to the database server shm_on.
ISAM: 4: Interrupted system call

Testing concurrent connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info
SQL: -25588: The appl process cannot connect to the database server shm_on.
ISAM: 4: Interrupted system call

*** Your Informix environment is not usable
*** You must fix it before building or testing DBD::Informix

The test program esqltest compiled successfully (which is good).
However, it did not run successfully (which is bad).

When this failed, I ran esql -o esqlbasic and then ./esqlbasic

This was the output:

$DBI_DBNAME unset - defaulting to 'stores'. $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE unset - defaulting to 'stores'. Testing connection to stores SQL: -25588: The appl process cannot connect to the database server shm_on. ISAM: 4: Interrupted system call

You cannot use fontis as a test database.
You do not have sufficient privileges.
SQL: -25588: The appl process cannot connect to the database server shm_on.
ISAM: 4: Interrupted system call

*** Your Informix environment is not usable *** You must fix it before building or testing DBD::Informix

I think the problem may lie with database privilages, but I'm not sure.
If anyone has any ideas, I would be eternally grateful.

Do you have any applications running on this machine that connect to the Informix database? I suspect not. Certainly, I think that your current environment is not correct. If you have an application (program) that can connect, then review the environment it uses - carefully.

Offhand, I don't recognize -25588/4 as an error combination. The server name suggests you are using a shared memory connection - which means that the database must be on the local machine. But if that's correct, then the error implies that the shared memory segments needed for communication do exist, but (probably) the connection timed out. Is your system (IDS) actually up an running? Maybe not...

If you still have problems, then: (a) include the version information requested in the README file - o/s, Perl, DBI, DBD::Informix, ESQL/C, and IDS, and (b) consider asking on the comp.databases.informix news group since the problem is purely Informix connectivity and not (yet) Perl related.

Jonathan Leffler ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) #include <disclaimer.h>
Guardian of DBD::Informix v2003.04 --

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