Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
Here is a brief description of my DBD::Informix

    Type:                  dr
    Name:                  Informix
    Version:               2003.04
    Attribution:           Jonathan Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Product:               INFORMIX-ESQL Version 9.51.UC1
    Product Version:       951

I am trying to insert a 16MB data into a idn_mrLvarchar data type which has 2GIG capacity. This I can achieve using LOAD statement within 'dbaccess'. However, going through DBI, I can only achieve 256Bytes of data insertion. DBI::bind_param, and DBI::bind_param_inout are not implemented. I have used place holders with no effect either. Short of asking 'What Next', I am wondering if DBI does not care about the size of a SQL statement, which some of this group's members suggested some other day in their email to me, then what is preventing this insertion? I have a read some old email on this list and in one of them it was suggested that the sql size limit is 64K (True/False?). Is there any way of changing size limit in DBI, if such functionality exists at all?
I appreciate any feed back..
Thanks in advance

The bind_param method is implemented, though bind_param_inout is not.

Informix poses a limit of 64 KB on the size of a statement - the DBMS and access code such as ESQL/C does this. DBD::Informix cannot change it. However, you can provide parameters which are much larger.

Since I don't recognize idn_mrLvarchar as a data type - though I suspect it is a DataBlade (probably the multi-representational long varchar data type from the Informix Developer Network), and someone had a question about this on comp.databases.informix a week or so ago (a bit before I took some vacation) - I suspect that most of the people on the dbi-users mailing list won't recognize it either.

Since you don't show us any code - let alone provide a simple reproduction of your problem - I can't yet provide very much more help.

Jonathan Leffler ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) #include <disclaimer.h>
Guardian of DBD::Informix v2003.04 -- http://dbi.perl.org/

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