From: Andrew Pimlott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 03:46:28PM -0600, Jay Hannah wrote:
> > I would *love* to set another flag/whatever so DBI would bark at us
> > whenever $dbh's were garbage collected. 
> Can I ask exactly what you are worried about?  
> Or am I missing some common usage pattern?

You're right. I shouldn't need the warning, especially when it's wrong. Even so, it 
has been useful to me on many occasions in dialogues like this:

Programmer X: Why am I getting this "Issuing rollback() for database handle..." error?
Me: Because you're not issuing an explicit $dbh->disconnect when you're done with your 
database handler. 
X: Oh. 
Me: Ya, you need to do that. Let's look at your code... Ok, let's also talk about (1) 
$sth->finish'ing some of these statements, (2) controlling the scope of your $sth's 
and $dbh's, (3) using placeholders instead of frequent prepares of similar SQL, (4) 
avoiding redundant $dbh's at all costs (connect is expensive), (5) tighter management 
of $dbh's / $sth's when running nested transactions...

I guess I'm just used to the warning and have been using it as a flag for years that 
somebody isn't coding as cleanly as they should be. I suppose I'll miss it for the 
wrong reasons. -sniff-

> So while I agree the warning could be helpful, I am skeptical that it
> does enough good to warrant keeping it.  I guess it cold be an option,
> though.

I'm starting to come to grips with it's demise.

> Incidentally, you already don't get the warning during global
> destruction, so it isn't that reliable.

I ran a little test against all our productions RDBMSs. As luck would have it, it 
seems that it is being thrown in global destruction in the 2 DBD's I use the most. I 
didn't realize until now that it's not being thrown in the others.

DBD::Informix -> Informix 9.3:            Issuing rollback() for database...
DBD::Informix -> Informix SE (ancient):   No warning
DBD::Sybase -> freetds -> MS-SQL server:  Issuing rollback() for database...
DBD::Proxy -> DBD::Oracle -> Oracle (v?): No warning
DBD::Oracle -> Oracle (v?):               No warning
DBD::mysql:                               No warning

Thanks for the consideration. I'll get back on my meds now and start pre-emptive 
training rather than reactional code review. -grin-


perl -MDBI -e 'DBI->installed_versions'
  Perl            : 5.008002    (i686-linux)
  OS              : linux       (2.4.18-17.7.x)
  DBI             : 1.39
  DBD::mysql      : 2.9003
  DBD::Sybase     : 1.02
  DBD::Sponge     : 11.09
  DBD::Proxy      : 0.2004
  DBD::Informix   : 2003.04
  DBD::File       : 0.2001
  DBD::ExampleP   : 11.11
  DBD::CSV        : 0.2002

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