OK, it works but you have to work out where are the libraries. Previous releases
did nasty things by linking /usr/lib/libct.. to the real thing plus some issues with the DYLD_LYBRARY_PATH.

Now you still need to set DYLD_LYBRARY_PATH but they have changed the library names.
libct is now libsybct, libcs is libsybcs, etc.

Since setting EXTRA_LIBS was not enough I changed line 119 in Makefile.PL
$lib_string = "-L$SYBASE/lib -lsybct -lsybcs -lsybtcl -lsybcomn -lsybintl $extra -ldl -lm";
I rather prefer to do this instead of adding something in $extra since there is still libtcl in

I changed checkLib as well so it looks for libsybct.

It seems that Sybase is showing some interest in Mac OS X. Why do they change the names of the libraries?
Previous releases used the old standard. Anyway, it works. Nicely.

Miguel Covas O'Ryan

Director de Sistemas de Información
Bancoval, S.A.
Fernando el Santo, 20
Madrid 28010

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