On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 03:43:56AM -0000, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> It also seems like an awful lot of overhead
> to make a module where a couple of lines in the script will
> suffice. 

I don't really have an opinion on the module in question, but this logic
seems flawed to me.

I don't see how a module is a lot of overhead, even if the module is
only a couple of lines long. As long as it successfully manages to
encapsulate the logic into one place that can be used in many places, it
seems to be that it's serving its purpose. I'd much rather not clog my
scripts up with lots of scaffolding that can be hidden away elsewhere.

> And if you find that you end up making changes in many
> spots, then you should probably refactor your scripts.

Such as, for example, abstracting the commonality out into a module like
the one in question?


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