It seems the current state of affairs is that for inserting to XMLTYPE fields:
a) for <32k, can just insert text
b) for >32k, must insert to CLOB, then use a procedure to update XMLTYPE
for a summary of the details)

Personally I've tried just about every trick in the book to try and
get a direct-insert of large xml documents into xmltype fields, but to
no avail.

What troubles me is that this _should_ work:
# NB: CREATE TABLE tryit ( formname VARCHAR(25), x XMLTYPE )
INSERT INTO tryit  (formname, x) VALUES (?, XMLTYPE(?))"

$sth = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO tryit  (formname, x) VALUES (?,
XMLTYPE(?))" );
$sth->bind_param(1,  "INSERTXMLTYPE" );
$sth->bind_param(2, XMLout( \%dslong , RootName => "books"), { TYPE =>
$sth->execute  or warn "INSERTXMLTYPE creation failure";

but it actually just gives ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
this is a bogus message (search metalink for "XMLTYPE ORA-00942"). try
an alternative like "INSERT INTO tryit  (formname, x) VALUES (?,
XMLTYPE(CAST(? as CLOB)))" and you get ORA-00932: inconsistent

All of the above is old news I think.

Why I raise this now is that I discovered the python guys seem to have
got it working OK. See

connection = cx_Oracle.Connection("user/pw <at> tns")
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.setinputsizes(value = cx_Oracle.CLOB)
cursor.execute("insert into xmltable values (xmltype(:value))",
       value = "A very long XML string")

Seems very much like a binding issue on the DBI/DBD side.

Any thoughts?


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