Thanks Philip for the extra info.

I've attached a test case I'm working with .. wondering if anyone
using DBD 1.19 can try this out too and report the results?

Ron, can you check this also ... maybe your code is different in some way?

For me the limit is at 63/64 elements (results are in the file)

perl ORCL scott tiger 63
- is ok
perl ORCL scott tiger 64
- fails

On 2/13/07, Garrett, Philip (MAN-Corporate) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can confirm I have the same problems as Paul when inserting large

Running on:
1.  SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (i586)
2.  DBI v1.50
3.  DBD::Oracle v1.18
4.  Oracle client:
5.  Oracle server: - 64bit


Paul Gallagher wrote:
> Thanks for the info Ron. I think you may not have quite hit the limit
> though.
> I tried your code (are you explicitly typing the bind to :file_header?
> I'm assuming not), and for small data sizes its ok, but once I go very
> large it fails.
> # fyi, I'm creating a long structure like this. max i 10 is ok, max i
> 3000 is not:
> my @books;
> my %dslong;
> for (my $i=1; $i<3000; $i++) {
>       push(@books, {id => $i, title => [ "the book $i title" ] } );
> }
> $dslong{"book"} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> # and binding like this:
> $sth->bind_param(":file_header", XMLout( \%dslong , RootName =>
> "books") );
> NB: I'm presently testing this with DBD-Oracle-1.17 and DBI-1.52-r1 on
> Windows (ActiveState)
> On 2/13/07, Reidy, Ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, it works for me out of the box as advertised.
>> Code snippet:
>>  my $sth_admin_audit_files = $dbh->prepare(qq{
>>    INSERT INTO array_audit.admin_audit_files
>>      (instance_id
>>      ,file_crdt
>>      ,fname
>>      ,file_header
>>      ,file_header_raw
>>      )
>>    VALUES
>>      (:instance_id
>>      ,TO_DATE(:file_crdt, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
>>      ,:fname
>>      ,SYS.XMLType.CREATEXML(:file_header)
>>      ,:file_header_raw
>>      )
>>    RETURNING admin_audit_file_id, crmo
>>    INTO      :admin_audit_file_id, :crmo
>>  }) || die $DBI::errstr;
>> Running on
>> 1.  RH Linux 3.0 and 4.0
>> 2.  DBI v1.47
>> 3.  DBD::Oracle v1.16
>> 4.  Oracle v9.; v10.; v10.
>> My files are around the order of 37Kb in size and I do nothing
>> special
>> with them (aside from convert the text into XML).  My user has only
>> insert on the table with the XMLTYPE in it.
>> Does the user running the Perl program have INSERT privs on the
>> table?
>> Is there a synonym issue or a role issue?
>> --
>> Ron Reidy
>> Lead DBA
>> Array BioPharma, Inc.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul Gallagher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 12:04 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: DBD::Oracle - Any advance on inserting CLOB to XMLTYPE?
>> It seems the current state of affairs is that for inserting to
>> fields:
>> a) for <32k, can just insert text
>> b) for >32k, must insert to CLOB, then use a procedure to update
>> XMLTYPE (see
>> for a summary of the details)
>> Personally I've tried just about every trick in the book to try and
>> get a direct-insert of large xml documents into xmltype fields, but
>> to
>> no avail.
>> What troubles me is that this _should_ work:
>> # NB: CREATE TABLE tryit ( formname VARCHAR(25), x XMLTYPE )
>> INSERT INTO tryit  (formname, x) VALUES (?, XMLTYPE(?))"
>> $sth = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO tryit  (formname, x) VALUES (?,
>> XMLTYPE(?))" );
>> $sth->bind_param(1,  "INSERTXMLTYPE" );
>> $sth->bind_param(2, XMLout( \%dslong , RootName => "books"), { TYPE
>> =>
>> SQL_CLOB } );
>> $sth->execute  or warn "INSERTXMLTYPE creation failure";
>> but it actually just gives ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
>> this is a bogus message (search metalink for "XMLTYPE ORA-00942").
>> try
>> an alternative like "INSERT INTO tryit  (formname, x) VALUES (?,
>> XMLTYPE(CAST(? as CLOB)))" and you get ORA-00932: inconsistent
>> datatypes.
>> All of the above is old news I think.
>> Why I raise this now is that I discovered the python guys seem to
>> have
>> got it working OK. See
>> connection = cx_Oracle.Connection("user/pw <at> tns")
>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>> cursor.setinputsizes(value = cx_Oracle.CLOB)
>> cursor.execute("insert into xmltable values (xmltype(:value))",
>>        value = "A very long XML string")
>> Seems very much like a binding issue on the DBI/DBD side.
>> Any thoughts?
>> ~paul
>> This electronic message transmission is a PRIVATE communication
>> which contains information which may be confidential or privileged.
>> The information is intended to be for the use of the individual or
>> entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please be
>> aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the
>> contents of this information is prohibited. Please notify the sender
>> of the delivery error by replying to this message, or notify us by
>> telephone (877-633-2436, ext. 0), and then delete it from your
>> system.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# see DATA section below for info
# $Id:,v 1.1 2007/02/17 01:20:07 paulg Exp $

use DBI qw(:sql_types);
use XML::Simple ;

use strict;

die "syntax: $0 sid user pass xml-elements" if 4 > @ARGV;
my ( $inst, $user, $pass, $xmlElements ) = @ARGV;

# define how much xml data to insert
print "create a long xml structure or $xmlElements elements (3000 or more 
should cause ORA fault on insert)\n";

# generate an xml chunk
my @books;
my %dslong;
for (my $i=1; $i<$xmlElements; $i++) {
        push(@books, {id => $i, title => [ "the book $i title" ] } );
$dslong{"book"} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

# Connect to database
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$inst", $user, $pass,
    { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1 } )
    or die $DBI::errstr;

print "create the database table:\n";
$dbh->do( qq{
CREATE TABLE xmlinserttest
 ( fname VARCHAR(25)
 ,file_header XMLTYPE
} ) or warn "table creation failure";

print "insert:\n";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
   INSERT INTO xmlinserttest
 }) || die $DBI::errstr;

$sth->bind_param(":fname", "INSERTXMLTYPE");
$sth->bind_param(":file_header", XMLout( \%dslong , RootName => "books") );
$sth->execute  or warn "INSERTXMLTYPE creation failure";

print "list table contents:\n";
list( qq{
SELECT fname,dbms_lob.getlength(xmltype.getclobval(file_header)) FROM 

print "drop the database table:\n";
$dbh->do( qq{
drop table xmlinserttest
} ) or warn "table drop failure";



# function to list the tables
sub list {
        my ($sql) = @_;
    my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $sql );
    foreach my $row (@$rows) {
                print join(", ", map {defined $_ ? $_ : "(null)"} @$row), "\n";


=head1 NAME

DBD::Oracle - Oracle database driver for the DBI module


perl {SID} {user} {password} {xml-elements}


perl ORCL scott tiger 10

.. will test using scott/[EMAIL PROTECTED] with an XML record of 10 elements


-- Paul Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17-Feb-2007 --

        1.  ActiveState Perl 5.8.8 on Windows XP
        2.  DBI 1.52-r1
        3.  DBD::Oracle v1.17
        4.  Database: Oracle v10.2.0.2 on RHEL3


        if xmlElements>63, insert fails with:
        DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only 
for insert into a LONG column
        explicit typing the xml as CLOB will fail with ORA-00942: table or view 
does not exist. 
        e.g. bind like this:
        $sth->bind_param(":file_header", XMLout( \%dslong , RootName => 
"books"), { TYPE => SQL_CLOB } );



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