On 2007-07-10 14:04:06 +0200, Erwan Lemonnier wrote:
> I am having trouble with a tricky little beast that smells like a bug,
> behaves like one but might not be one.
> Here are the symptoms:
> I compile perl 5.8.8 (default configuration) and the latest DBI and
> DBD::Oracle, connect to an Oracle 10.2.0. Then I create one table and insert
> a number with decimals in it (a float). I write a script that fetches this
> number, and substracts to it the same number hardcoded within the
> script.Theexpected result should be 0. Instead, I get
> 2.22044604925031e-16.

Oracle stores numbers in decimal, while perl does computations in
binary. In general you will have to expect some rounding error in the

> sql_execute("INSERT INTO test_oracle_bug (DATA) VALUES (1.73696)");
> $DBC->commit;
> # fetch numeric from table
> my $ret = sql_execute("SELECT DATA FROM
> test_oracle_bug")->fetchrow_arrayref;
> my ($val) = @$ret;
> my $sum = 1.73696 - $val;
> is($sum,0,"does sum $sum == 0?");

This is peculiar, though. DBD::Oracle gets the number from the database
as a string (this can be confirmed with Devel::Peek::Dump), so the above
code should be equvialent to:

  my ($val) = ('1.73696');
  my $sum = 1.73696 - $val;
  is($sum,0,"does sum $sum == 0?");

However, it isn't, for some reason, and I can't see the difference
(upgrading $val to utf8 doesn't make a difference).

Why does perl convert the string '1.73696' to


if it comes from an Oracle database, but convert it to 


if it is hard coded in the script or read from a file?


PS: The binary representations of the numbers were made with
unpack("B64", reverse(pack("d", $val2)))

   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | If I wanted to be "academically correct",
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | I'd be programming in Java.
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | I don't, and I'm not.
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