Dear Satish,

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 2:53 AM, satish dane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   I am using DBI 1.2 and DBD::oracle 1.58 version and 5.8perl version.
> the error is coming after some time.that is after exiting from script it is
> giving the error.
> an dplease tell about memory leak.

Well, your version of DBI is antique - version 1.20 was released in Aug
2001, and 1.29 in Jul 2002.  I am not sure that your version of DBD::Oracle
is current either.  If your version of Perl is 5.8.0, that too is archaic
(Jul 2002); if it is 5.8.8, you are OK (Jan 2006), though you should review
why 5.10.0 is not an option.

Given that you are not using DBD::Informix, I am not able to offer a lot
more help.  The memory leak test in DBD::Informix::TestHarness could
probably be adapted to work with DBD::Oracle - it basically invokes a
function and monitors how the Perl process grows, and the content of the
function doesn't actually matter, so it could exercise DBD::Oracle as well
as DBD::Informix.  Be aware that the options to 'ps' work on Solaris and may
not work on your platform.

Note that you've not mentioned the platform you are running on (operating
system, hardware), nor the version of Oracle that you are using -- if you
were using DBD::Informix, I would be after you for that information too.
When I say "which versions of everything", everything most definitely
includes the operating system and the DBMS access package (OCI for Oracle;
ESQL/C for Informix).  It isn't a bad idea to include the C compiler,

Further discussion of this must be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  However, the
first instructions given will be 'upgrade to current versions' -- people
have very limited interest in debugging ancient versions of the software.

On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 Jonathan Leffler wrote :
> >On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 3:14 AM, satish dane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> >
> > > i am trying to run the perl script which searches the data inside
> DAtabase
> > > and use it to run other utility.
> > > i am getting an error :"Out of Memory"
> > > I am not able to find the root cause of this error.
> > > please try to help me out of this because from last 4 days i am
> struggling
> > > to debug it.
> >
> >Are you using DBI and DBD::Informix?  If so, which versions of everything?
> >Does the out of memory error occur immediately, or after some time?  Are
> you
> >using shared memory connections?  Can you try with a different connection
> >type (eg olsoctcp or oltlitcp) and see whether that fixes the problem?  If
> >so, we can probably diagnose an issue with INFORMIXSHMBASE.
> Alternatively,
> >there is a mechanism in DBD::Informix::TestHarness for checking whether
> >there's a memory leak in a Perl script -- you could use that to see
> whether
> >there's a memory leak.

Jonathan Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #include <disclaimer.h>
Guardian of DBD::Informix - v2008.0513 -
"Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease to be

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