On Dec 1, 10:54 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry W. Virden) wrote:
> I inherited some perl code that mostly works, but which I've a couple
> questions about what it is doing.
> Skipping miscellaneous comments, etc. the code sets some variables
> from a file, sets its oracle environment, and then does the following:
> $oraProdDBH = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", $user_name, $password)
>     or die "Failed to connect to $DBI:errstr\n";
> $oraProdDBH->{RaiseError} = 1;
> $oraProdDBH->{AutoCommit} = 0;

Earlier I mentioned the above in the thread about understanding the
"rows" variable. Today, as I am studying the code, I have a question
about this line about AutoCommit.

If I understand that right, that should mean that an explicit commit
is needed for any action taken by the handle?

Later in the code, a SQL DELETE statement is done using that handle,
and, afterwards, all I see is a
$oraProdDBH->disconnect statement.

The situation doesn't come up frequently, so I am just wanting to find
out what DBI is going to do when it does. I checked the logs of the
program and for every delete that the program reports that it
attempted, those records are no longer present in the database. So I
am trying to get a clearer understanding of what is going on in this

Thank you again for your patience.

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