Hi Jeff,

Heaps and Heaps of thanks to you man...

Your solution (3) worked liked a breeze - absolutely out of the box... :)

Now both me and Customer are happy...

Thanks a lot once again...


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Jeff Urlwin <jurl...@caci.com> wrote:

> Some points I would add to the below:
>        1) I agree, grabbing a new perl is usually best, but, sometimes that
> isn't as easy (politically) as it should be.
>        2) I have had luck injecting DBI, and other perl modules, into the
> existing, Solaris perl, using Sun's Studio compiler.  I believe you can get
> that for free, now.  Don't use GCC for this.
>        3) I have had luck using the Perl that Oracle installs on DB
> machines, by just setting the right @INC at run time:
> $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl -I$OPERL_LIB/5.8.3
> -I$OPERL_LIB/site_perl/5.8.3/sun4-solaris-thread-multi foo.pl
> Your Oracle-installed perl may vary from the above, but this is working
> with and includes, of course DBI and DBD::Oracle.  I'm not sure if
> they install perl with the Oracle Client, but it is installed in the DB
> server, so it can be used...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Leffler [mailto:jonathan.leff...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:42 PM
> To: Parag Kalra
> Cc: DBI Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Official DBI module for Solaris Box
>  On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Parag Kalra <paragka...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Surprised to see no response yet. :-)
> Well, the question is a bit odd too...I'll attempt to address the original
> too.
> > Anyways  few more questions -
> >
> > For which version of Perl on Solaris, does DBI comes integrated with Perl
> or
> > is it like on Solaris we always explicitly need to install DBI module
> > externally.
> DBI is not distributed as standard on Solaris.
> > If the customer has valid support contract, can Sun Support help to get
> > installed?
> Unlikely.
> > On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Parag Kalra <paragka...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> I am facing this situation where I have coded a Perl framework on
> Windows
> >> and its all working fine. The framework mostly uses DBI and ODBC module
> to
> >> connect to both Oracle server, execute SQL queries, fetch Rows etc etc.
> OK - so far, so good.
> >> Now the customer wants to use the framework on a Solaris machine (it has
> >> Perl installed - 5.8.4). However that Solaris machine doesn't have DBI
> >> module as a result of which I can't use my framework. But it has Oracle
> >> client installed using which (sqlplus, sqlldr etc) I am able to connect
> to
> >> the Oracle DB Server (located remotely)
> This is perfectly normal - Perl on Sun does not come with DBI.
> Since Perl is provided by the o/s, I regard it is dubious, if not
> dangerous, to tinker with the system Perl.
> Besides, its usually archaic - so I always install the version of Perl
> I want on the machine, out of the way of the main system-provided
> Perl.
> That way, the o/s can use its version unmolested by me, and I can use
> my version unrestrained by the o/s.
> >> The best solution here seems to get the DBI module installed using Sun
> >> Support. Does Sun provide support for Perl modules (particulary DBI) on
> its
> >> own OS - Solaris?
> Doubtful.  Ask Sun.  But assume the answer is no.
> >> Customer doesn't want to install anything third party that didn't come
> >> pre-installed with Solaris box.
> This is weird...so, how is your application ever going to run?  And
> how did Oracle get installed?  It is not a part of base Solaris.
> >> However he may give a thought to installing
> >> new version of standalone Perl which will have DBI module integrated. I
> >> guess Perl 5.10.1 has DBI present by default. Could someone please
> confirm.
> Guess again.  You have to add DBI to Perl.
> >> In addition to DBI do I need any other module to connect to Oracle DB
> from
> >> a Solaris machine?
> You're going to need a DBD module - presumably DBD::Oracle.
> >> Is there any other way I can convince the client that Perl is good
> >> OpenSource tool and certainly not a malacious software.
> Probably not.
> >> Also more solutions to install DBI module on Solaris are most wellcome.
> Either you're allowed to install software or you are not.
> If you are allowed, go ahead and install what you need.
> If you are not allowed, then leave the customer gently stewing in
> their own juice.
> --
> Jonathan Leffler <jonathan.leff...@gmail.com>  #include <disclaimer.h>
> Guardian of DBD::Informix - v2008.0513 - http://dbi.perl.org
> "Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease
> to be amused."

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