the error message claimed I hadn't executed the statement.
I changed it to

>>    if (eval { $price_sth->fetch}) {
>>        $this->log_error('ERROR: scalar select returned second row at
>>%s line %d', __FILE__, __LINE__);
>>    }

but I think I'll change it again to

>>    if ($price_sth->{Active} and $price_sth->fetch) {
>>        $this->log_error('ERROR: scalar select returned second row at
>>%s line %d', __FILE__, __LINE__);
>>    }

but if that's the right thing to do, the documentation (in
DBD::Oracle) should mention it in fetchrow_array's section IMO.

The one L lama, he's a priest
The two L llama, he's a beast
And I will bet my silk pyjama
There isn't any three L lllama. -- Ogden Nash

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