
As far as I understand generic SQL, all identifiers are case insensitive by default. A simple-minded database could simply force lower or upper case on all identifiers while processing queries, and it would not violate SQL. It could switch from upper to lower case or vice versa with every minor patch and still would not violate SQL.

That's why I would never rely on any database to preserve case in identifiers.

Yes, there are ways to force a database to preserve case on identifiers (quoting them everywhere should work most of the times), but as I said: Don't rely on that, it may be an implementation artefact that might change at any time.

FetchHashKeyName is the way to go, force either lower (NAME_lc) or upper (NAME_uc) case on any identifier returned from the database, and compare accordingly. If you want to keep your camelcased names, wrap them in lc() or uc() before comparing them with DBI result hash keys. Perl should be smart enough to optimize ($key eq uc("myPrettyCamelCasedName")) to ($key eq 'MYPRETTYCAMELCASEDNAME') at compile time.

As an alternative to using lc/uc, consider tieing the DBI result hash to Tie::CPHash. It adds some overhead, your keys won't be camelcased, but at least you can access the values in the hash using camelcased keys.


On 28.02.2017 19:37, Jonas B. Nielsen wrote:
Hello All,

I have been using DBI for some years with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Oracle. 
When using DBI with Oracle I always set FetchHashKeyName to NAME_lc.

Over the weekend I was prototyping a new system and I wanted to use SQLite 
since I was somewhat offline. All of the hash keys were lower-case by default, 
but the protocol I was trying to adhere to was using camelCase.

So my question is (and is has possibly been responded to before):

- Would it be possible to have FetchHashKeyName preserve case? so if a database 
was using camelCase this would be preserved.

Our basis datamodel is encapsulated in views for separate 
service/application/protocol implementations, so if I would get the views to 
adhere to the protocol, I would not have to translated the hash keys (and 
maintain the translation dictionary afterwards.

I checked some FAQ without luck 
(https://www.fnal.gov/docs/products/perl/pod/site_perl/DBI/FAQ.html), which 
however seem a bit obsolete (last update 1997) and I cannot find any trace of 
the FAQ on MetaCPAN.

pauseid: JONASBN
email: jona...@cpan.org
twitter: @jonasbn
blog: https://lastmover.wordpress.com/

Alexander Foken
mailto:alexan...@foken.de http://www.foken.de/alexander/

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