On 13/11/17 17:43, James Cloos wrote:
Is there anything in a db handle or statement handle one use to know
whether the running instance of DBD::MySQL will return integer columns
as IV?

I'm adding some code to a layer atop DBI which will force IV (via +=0),
but want to avoid doing that were it is not required.

The particular code path serializes the returned rows via JSON::XS,
hense the need.




These attributes are implemented in DBD::Oracle and DBD::ODBC and allow the 
caller of bind_param to stipulate it wants an integer instead of a string.

They were originally implemented by me (with Tim's help) when I was retrieving 
result-sets which I wanted to convert to JSON. JSON treats numbers and string 
differently and I required numbers to be numbers and not strings.

There is of course, the type argument to bind_param as well.

Best of luck.


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