Peter Rabbitson wrote:
David Ihnen wrote:
fREW Schmidt wrote:
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Peter Rabbitson
< <>> wrote:


    The next release of DBIC will have a number of exciting improvements,
    among them proper ->count ->update and ->delete of any resultset,
    regardless of it's complexity (join, group_by, paging, etc.)

    While all of these improvements are logical extensions of the awesome
    as_query() feature, there might be some lurking bugs in this code.

    Please download and test the pre-release tarball on real world code.
    It should behave identically or better, depending on how much your
    app abuses dbic :) If no negative feedback is received, this tarball
    should appear as 0.08103 on CPAN by the end of this week.

    Happy testing!

Seems that I spoke too soon regarding working fine.  With no change in
the system whatsoever except to move between the currently released and
this new version of DBIx::Class, we get this error:

[Dispatch] ERROR for request '/Sentry/Group/populateDonorList/5': Error
executing run mode 'populateDonorList': Can't locate object method
"_select_args" via package "DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql" at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ line 73.

(06:06:55 PM) Lowell: happens in quite a few places ... not strictly in
(06:07:46 PM) Lowell: anything on the list about missing _select_args
It is a bit mysterious - it doesn't happen in our test scripts but it
does in our application.  We haven't gotten any details beyond that yet,
but its definitely related to the new version.  I throw this out there
so you don't release it, and we'll see what can find out about it soon.

This makes no sense:

DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql isa DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI (via use

DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI defines _select_args on line 1140

Please throw in a couple of debug warnings to figure out how can this be

I agree that it makes no sense - but our troubleshooting it was cut short when the new RC didn't replicate the problem.

So all appears to be A-Okay!


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