Hi all,

I am not sure what the current usage percentages are of mysql/postgresql but we (IC&S) have tried both now; this mail is to share our findings and to give life to a discussion on which database works best for dbmail.

First we worked with mysql - all went fine but we needed support for tables containing > 2GB data (messageblks). So we moved to postgreSQL, firmly believing that it would be the better option. After a couple of serious problems on several systems, we decided last thursday to move back to mysql, now using InnoDB as a backend.

Short list of postgresql problems:

* Speed.                        Postgresql is way slower than mysql. Way.
* Dump/Restore if you create a dump using pg_dump, pg_restore will not accept it - it complains about NULL values for fields that are constrained to be 'NOT NULL'. Could be, but the fields have never been NULL in the first place as the field is constrained to be 'NOT NULL'. It is in fact very annoying to find out the dump/restore utilities do not work when trying to recover a crashed system.. * Stablility Postgresql gets _real_ bad when hardware failures occur. It cannot recover it's own stuff, claiming that it has recovered when in fact it has not. We encountered two different problems: (1) disk full when running a vacuum full --> completely cracked up postgresql. (2) disk failure --> the system was so broken that I could execute but 1 query on the messageblks table per connect/disconnect to the pgsql server. Vacuum analyze did not work; nor did REINDEX issued from the backend. Some very strange output from the backend follows:

POSTGRES backend interactive interface
$Revision: $ $Date: 2002/09/30 20:47:22 $

backend> reindex index messageblks_pkey;
NOTICE: RelationBuildDesc: can't open messageblks_pkey: No such file or directory ERROR: _mdfd_getrelnfd: cannot open relation messageblks_pkey: No such file or directory
backend> create index messageblks_pkey on messageblks(messageblk_idnr);
ERROR:  index named "messageblks_pkey" already exists
backend> drop index messageblks_pkey;
ERROR:  cannot open messageblks_pkey: No such file or directory

I have to admit that we have never had hardware failure with mysql but i certainly dislike this. But when using innodb, you just get the message 'disk full' instead of a cracked up database when your disk runs full.

* Vacuum The system turns completely irresponsive for 10-20 minutes when doing a vacuum analyze on the messageblks table - and that is on a not-so-gigantic database (ca. 5 GB). Could be done by night, but what if your mailserver has to be responsive 24/7? * Disk Usage It seems that pgsql is eating up all disk space in time - and no vacuum full/analyze can help this. I still have to try a 'REINDEX' but - as it is marked on postgresql.org - that is intended for corrupted indices. The indices aren't corrupt, the database is just too big!

Seems that mysql is the better option for dbmail - what's your opinion?

regards roel

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