On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 14:05, Eelco van Beek - IC&S wrote:

> Hi Ryan,
> We tried to incorporate autoconf in 1.0 but unfortunatly our autoconf 
> guy is on a 6 month leave and Roel and I are working on other stuff. To 
> fill in for the miss we incorporated a build script which should be 
> sufficient for now.
> It would have taken too long to fully incorporate it in the main source 
> tree before 1.0. We will however put it in 1.1.
> Best regards,
> Eelco

I guess I'm really confused.  I wasn't aware you had an autoconf guy,
which is why I submitted the autoconf stuff that is currently in 1.0 and
cvs....  Since then I've submitted a couple of patches which would have
allowed dbmail to use either the old style build, or the autoconf build
interchangeably on the source
(http://dbmail.adiis.net/files/Makefile_includes.patch) and some fixups
for autoconf bugs

Had these been applied dbmail could have used either build system
interchangeably.  Instead, the 1.0 tarball contains a mostly broken
without tinkering autoconf system that most people will probably try
because they see ./configure :)  If you have an autoconf guy who is
going to redo the work currently there, or if you weren't planning on
using my work, I don't understand why it was distributed with 1.0, and
if you are planning to use the current autoconf system, I don't
understand why the two non code invasive patches that would have put a
working autoconf system weren't applied.

ADI Internet Solutions
http://dbmail.adiis.net - dbmail patches

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