Hans Kula ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) écrivait:
>After testing i found one more character to add: "," and "&"
>It seems as if oe is escaping special chars with &xxx- and &x,x- ...
>so array in imap4.c must look like this:
>const char AcceptedMailboxnameChars[] =
>"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-=/ _&,";

I had posted in the list about this problem 3 or 4 month ago to add the "&"
character, I hope this will be done in the 1.0 final. You will find an other bug
with Outlook 2000 with the INBOX name in foreign languages, for me french, I 
a patch for french language but easy to convert in other language.

Let me know if you want to use dbmail with Outlook 2000 I will send you the 

Sam Przyswa - Chef de projet
Arial Concept - Intégrateur Internet
36, rue de Turin - 75008 - Paris
Tel: 01 40 54 86 04 - Fax: 01 40 54 83 01
Web: http://www.arial-concept.com - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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