Hi all!
I know that I personally can see the use for a "light"
I work for an ISP, and we're implementing dbmail.
For that installation with thousands of users and gigabytes
of maildata, of course we want to use a midweight contender
for our database so we chose postgresql.  But for my personal
domain, which only handles about 50 users and a few hundred
messages a day, this sounds like a good solution.  And I still
want to use dbmail rather than mailspool just because I like
the management and ease of use of it (using our weDBmail
front end at http://wedbmail.dsp-services.com/ PLUG PLUG!).
Currently using mysql (no innodb), but I can see using a
lighter database since that's all it does is dbmail.

Just my not-in-the-least-bit-humble opinion

Dave Logan

"Free your mind and your ass will follow." -- George Clinton

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