On 6/07/2012, at 9:35 AM, Daniel Urstöger wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> I can feel your pain. One of my customers  runs roughly 25-30 Apple clients 
> (Macs, iPhones, iPads, etc.) against dbmail 2.x and I havent seen any problem 
> like the two you described.

Yes - our main customer dbmail cluster (1500+ mailboxes and 200GB+ data) runs 
on 2.x and does not have these issues with Apple Mail clients. Its just that 
this particular client wanted their own VM with their own "private mail cloud" 

> I am sure Paul will give it a shot but you need to provide him with the 
> proper logs for him to be able to dig up the issue.

And happy to provide all the proper logs... would someone be able to give me a 
quick outline as to what i should grab?



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