On 23/08/2012, at 2:55 AM, Paul J Stevens <p...@nfg.nl> wrote:

> On 08/22/2012 05:11 AM, Simon wrote:
>> Sorry to keep asking.. but i really want to keep using dbmail (!!!), but 
>> cant with this client if there is not even an answer when it will be 
>> compatible with apple mail?
>> I understand that this is an issue with Mac Mail - i do. But its not going 
>> away?
> Supporting Mac Mail is important. All the hipster incrowd seem to use
> macbooks there days...

hipsters... *shudder*

> I own an iPad, but that's a different animal all together. I can't even
> save messages as drafts. But when I do sent it, it shows up in the Sent
> folder just fine. In short: I'm unable to reproduce this.
> So, In order to get a grip on what might be going on, at the very least
> I need a protocol trace. A syslog_logging_levels = 64 should do the
> trick, or a tshark/wireshark dump.

I will organise this and email to you.

> Also try to allow for the fact that I do need to make a living, and this
> is an open-source project. Paying clients and projects do take precedence!
> At the same time: all your patches/documentation/user-support is/are
> most welcome.




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