hello there,

i'm currently in the process of upgrading dbmail from version 3.0.2

downloaded dbmail 3.1.17 from github


and configure, make, make install all went fine.

now i'm a bit stuck with upgrading the mysql database.

i see the update script 3_0_2-3_1_0.mysql, which i'm pretty sure i have to run ;)

update_headervalue_01.mysql i don't have to run, as dbmail_headervalue.headervalue type is already set to text

but i also see:


do i need to run this?

also, after i did run all the .mysql scripts, do i then need to run dbmail-util script?
e.g. dbmail-util -by?

finally ... is dbmail 3.1.17 the stable version for production system?
or should i go with the newest version 3.2.3

thanks a lot for your help & a big thank you for such a nice piece of software, which i'm running on my server for many years without any major issues ;)


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