hmm ..

I have no such problems with dbmail 3.2.3 (and gmime 2.6.20

On 2018-04-16 14:34, Reindl Harald wrote:
moving from imap-sent folder to a local-folder don't break it
see diff from the this way "saved" orginal sent and the broken one

this is the source-tarball and one of the last important patches how
dbmail is built here

dbmail.spec from the rpmbuild also attached

Am 16.04.2018 um 14:29 schrieb Reindl Harald:
sorry for the mail-flood - but i will try to move it now to a local
folder - i think the breakage to the sent message happens instantly
but thunderbird before moveing it shows some caching where it is fine
and not put through dbmail re-construct

good question if this also happens when move it straight to a local folder

Am 16.04.2018 um 14:24 schrieb Reindl Harald:
this message was broken too while the sent message was green until
i moved it with drag&drop from sent to the dbmail folder with the
intention to make a diff

now for both copies enigmail says "wrong signature"

Am 16.04.2018 um 14:09 schrieb Reindl Harald:
Am 16.04.2018 um 13:48 schrieb Thomas Raschbacher:
do you have that problem vor every signed email, or just
occasionally? cuz i haven't noticed problems on my part yet

hard to say, but on enough that i stopped using Enigmail long
ago when neraly every list message i wrote came back with broken
signature in case i used GPG/Mime meaning "signature.asc"
attached instead inline signing

for me at that time it wasn't clear that it's my own mailserver
running dbmail-1.3 and not the list servers which are breaking
something but the diff you can see is the outbound mail of
someone which used dbamil himself and switched to dovecot
directly copied from his dovecot-imap  compared to my broken
received one

On 2018-04-01 13:14, Reindl Harald wrote:
ping - see also attached as diff

if someone is able to fix that for dbmail-3.1 i offer to pay
the work

2874f497fb429ed139e94342ca1c84325b20b3f1 is the git with
latest fixes for 3.1 before move to github - not sure if
they ever made it to a offical release and we applied the
patch from paul (also attached)

frankly i would sell my soul when dbmail get active
maintainment again because the silence of the last few years
holds me back to consider upgrade to 3.2 given that upgrades
to 3.0 and 3.1 in both cases needed a lot of urgency patches
after user complaints with several clients mostly
re-construct errors _______________

* Mi Dez 07 2016 Reindl Harald <> - add

* Mi Jan 20 2016 Reindl Harald <> -
update to 2874f497fb429ed139e94342ca1c84325b20b3f1 bugfix
snapshot - prevent assertion in p_string_erase

* So Jul 27 2014 Reindl Harald <> -
update to 3.1.17 release

Am 30.03.2018 um 16:23 schrieb Reindl Harald:

see screenshot - the linebreak in line 50 seems to change between \r\n
and only \n which completly breaks the signature - inline
signed mails don't break because they don't have a
"signature.asc" attachment

the plaintext version shows the same amount of linebreaks,
but i have also seen dbmail-3.1 caces where some new lines
are added or missing

pretty sure at reconstruct where i pointed out some year
ago to Paul that sometimes linebreaks change and that
could break signed mails while the response was they don't

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Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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