Hi Dennis, thanks for your interest, the subjects you picked have been
discussed a lot in a thread by a prospective student named Abhishek Gupta.
I suggest you taking a look at some threads in the mailing list here
looking for replies with his name, mine (Thiago Galery), or David Pryzbilla
If you have any questions, feel free to email the mailing list and we'll
get back to you as soon as we can.
All the best,

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 4:52 AM, Денис Тисов <klassik0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> My name is Denis. I am Java Developer and simultaneously fourth-year
> student. I live in Moscow, Russia.
> Now I work at NetCracker in part time as Software Engineer (Java
> Developer). I am interesting in Java technologies. In Autumn of 2014 I had
> learned at NetCracker Learning Centre. As part of learning I with team had
> to develop study web project. I developed Aspect-Oriented Data structure in
> Oracle DB and integrate it with JPA (knew about composite primary key
> etc.). Also I developed authorisation for this project via Spring Security.
> For  MVC we used Spring MVC, JSP, DAO.
> Also for fun I made some mini-projects with JMS, hibernate, Stateless and
> Stateful Session Beans.
> By the way on the last I took one of the second places in the Mathematical
> Olympiad for future Masters at MIPT.
> Skills: Java Core (Collections, Concurrency, reflections, XML, RegExp
> etc), Spring Dependency Injection, Spring Security, Spring MVC, JPA, JDBC,
> JSP, Servlets, JQuery, Ajax, OOP, Design Patterns.
> If i don't know some technologies it's not a problem. I study fast.
> I would like to ask you give me now some tasks (may be bug fixes or
> develop something) that I can prove my interest in your project. I read
> about your projects, I liked these projects:
> In order of priority for me:
> 1. DBpedia Spotlight - Better Surface Form Matching
> 2. DBpedia Spotlight - Confidence/Relevance Scores
> 3. DBpedia Spotlight - Better Context Vector.
> Sorry about my English.
> Very truly yours Denis Tisov.
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