Welcome to DBpedia Pratyaksh!

It's great that you worked on the warm up tasks!
Please use the ideas page to discuss details for each project


On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Pratyaksh Sharma <psharma1...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone!
> I am Pratyaksh, final year computer science undergrad at IIT Bombay. I
> have participated in GSoC previously in 2015, completing a project with
> pgmpy (under Python Software Foundation). I have experience with using
> DBpedia and various other structured knowledge bases (Google Knowledge
> Graph, Freebase and Wikidata).
> My undergraduate thesis work is on supporting entity relationship keyword
> queries on knowledge bases/graphs - and it was how I first got introduced
> to DBpedia. It is great to learn that this organization is participating in
> GSoC and that I have a chance to contribute!
> I've been eyeing the project on DBpedia Lookup improvements for sometime
> now and have completed most of the warm-up tasks suggested. (Still getting
> familiar with the code right now, the documentation PR will be under way in
> a few days.)
> Regarding the project:
> The Google Knowledge Graph API request query parameters are a little
> different from what DBpedia-lookup currently supports. In particular, the
> 'ids' and 'languages' parameters are supported by GKG API and not by
> DBpedia-lookup. Also, the GKG API is unified for both keyword search and
> prefix search (via the 'prefix' parameter). Do we want the DBpedia-lookup
> API requests to mimic those of GKG? Or is the focus only on changing the
> response to JSON-LD? In either case, adding the 'languages' parameter makes
> sense since a part of the project is to improve i18n support..
> --
> Link to CV: https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~pratyaksh/pratyaksh_cv.pdf
> Github: https://github.com/pratyakshs
> --
> Pratyaksh
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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