News release
1 August 2011

JISC support for MPs' peer-review report 
MPs recently recommended improvements to the way scientific papers are checked 
before they are published, calling for the peer review process to be more 

Read the BBC article about the report 

The recommendations came out of a House of Commons Science and Technology 
Committee report which also urged that researchers make their scientific data 
publicly available, and that reviewers have formal training.

Executive secretary at JISC, Dr Malcolm Read, said: "At JISC we strongly 
support the recommendations of the House of Commons Committee report.  Though 
most researchers agree with the principles of peer review, many feel there is 
room to improve how it is implemented.  Recently there have been suggestions 
about alternatives, like open peer review and JISC has funded universities to 
look into open access academic journals which are compiled from other openly 
available material."

JISC is already acting on a number of the recommendations - including funding 
the Dryad project mentioned in the report.  Dryad-UK provides a repository for 
the data underpinning research articles, encouraging greater research openness. 
The BMJ Open journal and titles from BioMedCentral and PLoS have become 
partners, integrating their submission process with Dryad and strongly 
encouraging authors to deposit research data. 

Neil Jacobs, programme director at JISC, said, "We are also engaged in 
productive collaboration with innovative publishers such as PLoS, as well as 
industry bodies, for example on standardising the way usage statistics for 
articles are reported."

The government report describes access to data as 'fundamental' for researchers 
to reproduce, verify and build on each others' results.  

This spirit of openness is something JISC supports, through its work with the 
UK Research Councils.  

However, there are challenges, as JISC's programme manager for data management 
Simon Hodson explains, "These objectives will be difficult to realise unless 
research practice and supporting systems and infrastructures are developed to 
make good practice easier.  Similarly, researchers will feel little motivation 
to make data available in a timely way unless conventions of recognition and 
reward evolve to encompass the effort required to ensure data quality and 
reusability.  The JISC managing research data programme is helping universities 
support researchers in responding to these challenges."


JISC's position on why becoming more open can benefit colleges and universities 

How can I better manage my research data?

Advice on data management planning from the Digital Curation Centre

Follow the 'importance of good data management' event online in advance and on 
the day (13 Sept 2011)

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