
sorry for asking your help again, that I really appreciated. 
Today's issue is about imposing boundary conditions for a three-fields 

In brief, I defined a 4 nodes square element, of type:

fe(FE_Q<dim>(poly_degree), dim, // displacement

   FE_DGPMonomial<dim>(poly_degree - 1), 1, // pressure

   FE_DGPMonomial<dim>(poly_degree - 1), 1), // dilatation

with  poly_degree = 1.

While debugging on a single element, which has 10 dofs in 2D ( 4x2 
displacements + 1 pressure + 1 dilatation), I aim at imposing Dirichlet 
boundary conditions on displacements, whereas body forces are zero. 

The cell matrix and the cell_rhs are the following.

*Cell matrix = *

*{  0.7037,   0.0278,  -0.2037,  -0.4722,  -0.1481,   0.4722,  -0.3519,  
-0.0278,  -1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0278,   0.7037,   0.4722,  -0.1481,  -0.4722,  -0.2037,  -0.0278,  
-0.3519,  -1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{ -0.2037,   0.4722,   0.7037,  -0.0278,  -0.3519,   0.0278,  -0.1481,  
-0.4722,   1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{ -0.4722,  -0.1481,  -0.0278,   0.7037,   0.0278,  -0.3519,   0.4722,  
-0.2037,  -1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{ -0.1481,  -0.4722,  -0.3519,   0.0278,   0.7037,  -0.0278,  -0.2037,   
0.4722,  -1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.4722,  -0.2037,   0.0278,  -0.3519,  -0.0278,   0.7037,  -0.4722,  
-0.1481,   1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{ -0.3519,  -0.0278,  -0.1481,   0.4722,  -0.2037,  -0.4722,   0.7037,   
0.0278,   1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{ -0.0278,  -0.3519,  -0.4722,  -0.2037,   0.4722,  -0.1481,   0.0278,   
0.7037,   1.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{ -1.0000,  -1.0000,   1.0000,  -1.0000,  -1.0000,   1.0000,   1.0000,   
1.0000,   0.0000,  -4.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.0000,  -4.0000,   6.6667}, *

*Cell rhs =0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 
0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 *

They seem to be correct. After calling



the system matrix coincides with the cell matrix, the same for the rhs. To 
impose BCs I followed the scheme of step-18, as follows:

  std::map<types::global_dof_index,double> boundary_values;

  ComponentMask displacements_mask = fe.component_mask (displacements);

  VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,


IncrementalDirichletBoundaryValues<dim>( TIDM, NRit, GPDofs ),




  PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector tmp (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);

  MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values (boundary_values,





  incremental_displacement = tmp;

where the class IncrementalDirichletBoundaryValues implements the Dirichlet 
BC and GPDofs = 4. 
The boundary values after VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values turn out 
to be:

*boundary_values = -0.0500,  -0.0500,  -0.0500,   0.0500,   0.0500,  
-0.0500,   0.0500,   0.0500,   0.0000,   0.0000, *

*tmp = -0.0500,  -0.0500,  -0.0500,   0.0500,   0.0500,  -0.0500,   0.0500, 
  0.0500,   0.0000,   0.0000, *

which are pretty much what I expected. However, after MatrixTools
::apply_boundary_values  the system matrix and the rhs are as follows, 

* System matrix = *

*{  0.7037,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.7037,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.7037,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.7037,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.7037,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.7037,   0.0000,   
0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.7037,   
0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.7037,   0.0000,   0.0000}, *

*{ -1.0000,  -1.0000,   1.0000,  -1.0000,  -1.0000,   1.0000,   1.0000,   
1.0000,   0.0000,  -4.0000}, *

*{  0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   0.0000,   
0.0000,  -4.0000,   6.6667}, *

*System_rhs = -0.0352,  -0.0352,  -0.0352,   0.0352,   0.0352,  -0.0352,   
0.0352,   0.0352,   0.0000,   0.0000, *

The* System_rhs *seems correct, but the matrix, particularly the 9th row, 
does not, but I am not sure why.

Many thanks in advance,


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