Hi all:

I am trying to put together an overset mesh code and will need to transfer 
information across overset boundaries. I also will need to have access to 
donor/acceptor cell pairs. I am having trouble being able to access 
information of the cell, like cell->bounding_box() once it is being sent 
via MPI. I can "print" the cell (std::cout) to see that I am sending and 
receiving items correctly, but this is a naive way to do it for this 
particular object. I've included a snippet of code below to demonstrate 
what I am doing. 

int sends = 0;
  for(unsigned int m=0; m<n_meshes;++m){
    if(num_sends >0 && m!=row_tria){
        MPI_Isend(send_faces, num_sends, MPI_UNSIGNED, dest[m],
                  1, mpi_communicator, &requests[sends]);
         MPI_Isend(send_cells, num_sends*size_dh, MPI_BYTE, dest[m],
                   2, mpi_communicator, &requests[sends+1]);
        sends += 2;

  MPI_Status recv_face_status;
  MPI_Status recv_cells_status;

  int num_faces_recvd = num_faces_to_recv;
  int recvd_faces = 0;
  int beg_index = 0;

  int *from_mesh = new int[num_faces_to_recv];

  if(mesh_rank == 0 ){
    while(num_faces_recvd > 0){
      MPI_Recv(recv_faces, max_recv_faces, MPI_UNSIGNED,
                 MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1, mpi_communicator, &recv_face_status);
      MPI_Recv(recv_cells, max_recv_faces*size_dh, MPI_BYTE,
               MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 2, mpi_communicator, &recv_cells_status);

      MPI_Get_count(&recv_face_status, MPI_UNSIGNED, &recvd_faces);

      for(int i=0; i < recvd_faces; ++i){
        from_mesh[i+beg_index] = (recv_face_status.MPI_SOURCE * n_meshes) / 
        tot_recv_faces[i+beg_index] = recv_faces[i];
        tot_recv_cells[i+beg_index] = recv_cells[i];
      beg_index += recvd_faces;

      num_faces_recvd -= recvd_faces;


  MPI_Waitall(sends, requests, statuses);
  MPI_Bcast(from_mesh, num_faces_to_recv, MPI_INT, 0, mesh_comm);
  MPI_Bcast(tot_recv_faces, num_faces_to_recv, MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, mesh_comm);
  MPI_Bcast(tot_recv_cells, num_faces_to_recv*size_dh, MPI_BYTE, 0, 

  for(int oc=0; oc < num_faces_to_recv; ++oc)
    unsigned int row = from_mesh[oc];

    if(row == mesh_id){
      std::cout<<"There is a problem here\n";

        const dh_aci row_cell = tot_recv_cells[oc];

    DonorInfo quad_pt_matches;

    for(int n_face=0; n_face < num_faces_to_recv; ++n_face)
      unsigned int face = tot_recv_faces[n_face];
      row_face.reinit(row_cell, face); //The code segfaults here


Okay, so in the above snippet of code I am sending faces that are on an 
overset boundary (these are just unsigned ints so sending these are easy) 
but I also need to send the corresponding cell for that face for when I go 
to compute mesh coupling entries for my system_matrix. Sending the cell and 
face should then allow me to initialize a FEFaceValue object so that I can 
extract information about the evaluate points on that face to determine 
which cells from a different triangulation (mesh) will become donor cells. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I hope I explained enough of what I 
am attempting, if not I can provide more information. 

Thank you,
- Justin

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