Hi Bruno,

    It's not in deal.II. Anasazi is part of Trilinos. If you are using 

> Trilinos vector, it's pretty straightforward. You just copy the code 
> from 
> https://github.com/ORNL-CEES/mfmg/blob/master/include/mfmg/dealii/anasazi.templates.hpp
> The solver is used here: 
> https://github.com/ORNL-CEES/mfmg/blob/4026049f0d5e3904562e394954f76cd86aac2ef3/include/mfmg/dealii/amge_host.templates.hpp#L209-L275

Response - I am not using Trilinos vectors. I am using normal BlockVectors 
and BlockSparseMatrix from dealii Linear Algebra class. Is it possible for 
me to convert my BlockVectors and BlockSparseMatrix to the one from 
Trilinos::BlockSparseMatrix and  Trilinos::BlockVectors? 

> If you want to use a different kind of vectors, drop these files in 
> your code 
> https://github.com/ORNL-CEES/mfmg/blob/master/include/mfmg/dealii/multivector.hpp,
> https://github.com/ORNL-CEES/mfmg/blob/master/include/mfmg/dealii/anasazi_traits.hpp,
> and 
> https://github.com/ORNL-CEES/mfmg/blob/master/include/mfmg/dealii/belos_traits.hpp.

Response - I could not understand when you suggest to drop these files in 
my code. Do I need to download these files in my project folder and then 
include these files as header files?  

You will need to remove the ASSERT, if you don't want to pull more 
> files.

Response - Could you please let me know which "ASSERT" do you suggest to 
remove? Also, what exactly is meant by "don't want to pull more". I did not 
understand this part as well. Apologies for too many questions!

Thanks a lot!


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