August 18


17 death sentences on OFWs commuted ---- But 2 executions final and

17 of 49 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) facing the death penalty have
been spared from the sentence.

But the sentence on 2 of the OFWs is final and executory.

But Foreign Affairs Undersecretary fir Migrant Workers' Affairs Esteban
Conejos, whose office has been working on the cases of these OFWs since
January last year, said the bad news is not so bad because the child of
the 2 OFWs' murder victim has still not reached the age of majority, by
which time she may be able to forgive the convicts and spare their lives.

"We don't foresee any precipitate action with this caseAlready we are
initiating ways to reach out to the family of the victim," he told
reporters at a press conference Friday.

Conejos said 5 of the 17 OFWs whose death sentences have been commuted
have already been released from detention and repatriated.

1 repatriated OFW each came from Riyadh, Tehran and Kuala Lumpur, while 2
came from Jeddah.

Of the 12 other whose sentences have been commuted, there is 1 each in
Singapore, Kuwait, Kuala Lumpur, Cairo, Washington DC and Doha, and 6 in

Of the remaining 32 cases, 26 are in various stages of trial or appeal, 5
are under investigation, and 1 -- Reynaldo Cortez -- was executed early
this year.

Conejos said the commutations were the result of "unrelenting" efforts of
the Philippine government, including high-level representations by
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo


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