also sprach Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> [2009.06.23.1949 
> --> might be a distinguished name
> identifying the apparent issuer of any validated identification,
> such as /C=US/ST=NY/ for a NY State (USA) driver's license and
> /C=US/ for an American passport. If you checked two IDs, you could
> include this notation twice.  Maybe this should somehow include
> the type of document as well?

Additional metadata, e.g. number and expiration date would
be helpful.

On the other hand, just some clear guidelines that participants HAVE
TO abide by, would help, e.g. a commitment to a signing policy for
all keys that are to appear in a Debian keyring.

I will always challenge the "government-issued ID" due to the vastly
differing standards across the globe, but "travel document" is
actually a term that someone uttered earlier, which raises the bar
a lot higher.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team; press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf9: 24-30 Jul 2009, Extremadura, ES:
"i believe that the moment is near when by a procedure
 of active paranoiac thought, it will be possible
 to systematise confusion and contribute to
 the total discrediting of the world of reality."
                                                      -- salvador dali

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