also sprach Manoj Srivastava <> [2009.06.23.0325 +0200]:
> Now, Madduck wants us to say that there is no need for this
> broader identity verification mechanism, that oe should just trust
> him, and there shall be a means of smiting evil doers just the
> same -- but after debconf 6 --- his track record for trust on
> identification schemes runs pretty low.

This is an accusation for which you have no data. Do you know which
keys I signed since then, and on what basis?

I also never said that you should trust me.

Anyway, no interest to continue this discussion on a personal level.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
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as the answer, the master did "rm -rf" on the programmer's home
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