The actual distance is around 20 meters (the bus is right at the exit
from the airport, which 5 meters from the exit from the customs area),
but if multiple flight land at the same time, it could take up to a
half an hour, mostly due to waiting for bags.

I can only fully support Moray's account adding that:
* hustlers could try to get you to ride to Banja Luke in their minibus
- do not go there
* bus drivers do not accept any cards, but there is a plenty of ATMs
at all ends of the bus journeys
* the luggage cost was 1 € for us (actually marked on the ticket)
* bus drivers can give you change for large bills as well
* in Banja Luka the closest ATM to the bus station is inside the bus
station (no Master cards, only VISA)
* the distance to the venue is around 3 kilometers, so taking a bus or
taxi is recommeneded, bus stop is a bit further along after the bus
station and some shops, the ticket costs 1.5KM and you get off right
after you see flashing sign 'Casino' and white sign 'Hotel Bosnia' on
your right, then walk back the 150 meters from that bus stop

Photos and a blog post coming tomorrow after breakfast

On 17 July 2011 21:14, Norman Garcia Aguilar <> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 01:44:26 +0100
> Moray Allan <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just arrived in Banja Luka a little while ago, after beta testing
>> the connections from Zagreb airport.  I of course wanted to make sure
>> that this was a fair test, so:
>> - It was arranged that the plane escaped from London Heathrow an hour
>> late after a long wait for a take-off slot following boarding,
>> reducing my two hour connection time in Zagreb to one hour.
>> - To make sure that I was tired out, I spent the flight reading a
>> novel in Spanish while the child next to me distracted me by singing
>> and trying to draw on my arm, and the baby two seats over cried
>> loudly.
>> On arrival at Zagreb, I as usual chose an appropriate standing
>> location on the bus from plane to terminal so that I was towards the
>> front of the queue for passport control, and was then lucky that my
>> bag was one of the first onto the conveyor belt.  These bits might
>> seem like cheating, but, sorry, I did want to try to catch the first
>> bus to Banja Luka.
> Someone knows how long does it take from plane arriving to getting to the bus 
> stop at Zagreb airport? normally waiting for luggage, customs and inmigration?
> Regards,
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