I'm interested in various implementations of remote desktops, currently using several kinds such as Apache Guacomole to deliver online developer training courses. It would be useful to learn from our collective experiences. Let's meet, Martin

On 07-08-2017 10:28, Mike Gabriel wrote:
Hi all,

with my hat of pkg-remote team member, I'd like to meet with people in
 Debian, that use or want to use Debian in remote desktop

When saying remote desktop here, I rather mean Desktop (also Software)
 as a Service ideas rather than the related Microsoft product /
functionality (RDP).

We have several technologies in Debian that facilitate remote desktop
computing between Linux/Windows/Mac OS clients and Linux Desktop
Environments: xRDP, X2Go.

Also there will be another Linux based RDP Server for providing access
 to Wayland sessions soon.

Furthermore, a colleague of mine and I are working on technology we
named "Telekinesis". Telekinesis is for merging client-side and
server-side software parts on the desktop and make them appear as one
application to the user. Current PoCs are a Web Browser (that can play
 video and stuff smoothly inside terminal server sessions) and a Media
 Player (support up to 8k videos being played in full screen insider
terminal server sessions).

If anyone is interested in such topics and ideas and how that can be
done (soon) on Debian systems, please let me know and I will schedule
a session.


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