
To help people contact potential venues, it would be useful to have
estimates of the requirements.

For example, for a DebConf in Europe, could someone provide guesstimates

A) minimal/ideal capacity for on-site accomodation
B) minimal/ideal capacity during the day (= (A) + people with off-site
   accomodation), typically for meals
C) minimal/ideal number of talk rooms + capacity
D) minimal/ideal capacity of the main talk room for plenary talks
E) minimal/ideal number of smaller meeting rooms for hacklabs
F) minimal/ideal network bandwidth
G) required on-site or proximity facilities (e.g. bar)?

And anything else that is important and that I might have missed.


On 28/10/23 at 17:47 -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> Everyone is probably aware of the current state of affairs in Israel.
> Based on that, the DebConf committee has decided to call for bids to
> host DebConf24. The committee would like to express their appreciation
> of the Israeli team, and the work they've done over several years. Given
> the current uncertainty about the situation, we regret that it will,
> once again, most likely not be possible to hold DebConf in Israel.
> To submit a bid, please create the appropriate page(s) under
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids, and add it to the "Bids"
> section in the main https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24 page. There isn't
> very much time to make a decision. We need bids by the end of November,
> in order to make a decision by the end of the year.  Please send a
> message to debconf-t...@lists.debconf.org to let us know when you are
> ready for review of your bid to begin. We also suggest hanging out in
> #debconf-team on IRC.
> The template for a DebConf bid is:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/General/Handbook/Bids/LocationCheckList
> Given this short deadline, we understand that bids won't be as complete
> as they would usually be. Do the best you can in the time available.
> Bids are evaluated according to:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/General/Handbook/Bids/PriorityList
> You can get in contact with the DebConf team by email to
> debconf-t...@lists.debian.org, or via the #debconf-team IRC channel on
> OFTC or https://matrix.to/#/#debconf-team:matrix.debian.social
> -- 
> on behalf of the DebConf committee.

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