On 05/12/2011 02:58 AM, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> It is fine if people use facebook/twitter/flickr/youtube/whatever to
> promote DebConf. If it is clear they are doing it on their own, it is
> NOT DebConf (or Debian) doing it.
> But our website should NOT ever include a non-free service. Either there
> is a free one, then link/use that, or DebConf provides its own. One of
> the two. If none works, then leave a feature out of the website.
> (That also includes any kind of JS or whatever which might be
> included. Either we legally can distribute it, or we should not have it)
> Sorry, but we are a free conference, promoting free and open - not
> closed-source stuff.

I wholeheartedly agree with Joerg here.

Debian is about freedom.  There is already more than enough pressure on
people to submit to joining centralized, non-free, corporate gatekeepers
of culture and communications.  We should make sure that our work does
not encourage or support this kind of behavior.


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