On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 07:30:39AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> ]] Yao Wei 
> > We are requested by National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and National
> > Centre of High-performance Computing (NCHC) for the list of attendees
> > along with their nationality for applying fundings.  NCTU also applies
> > government funds MEET TAIWAN [1] which they requires such information
> > for checking if our event matches their qualification for funding
> > (they requires more than certain number of foreign people attending
> > the event as one of the requirements).
> Is there a requirement that the list of names is complete (includes all
> attendees)? What is the number of non-Taiwan nationals required?  Can I
> read more about what the purpose of this is somewhere?  (It was not
> obvious to me where it is on the MEET TAIWAN site.)
> If the answer to those is «no» and some not-unreasonable number, we
> might be able to get consent from enough people.  If not, we'll have to
> figure out if we have another legal basis for processing.

Legitimate interest should be a suitable basis for processing such
information; it sounds like a reasonable chunk of the funding for
DebConf was conditional on these government funds, so in order to run
the conference it's required to hand the details over. However this is
something that should have been made apparent to attendees up front, so
they could make an informed decision about whether to attend or not.
DebConf team, please note this for future DebConfs.

I would suggest that the best approach in the current circumstance is
probably to email attendees saying something like:

| It has come to our attention that National Chiao Tung University, our
| hosts for DebConf18, have an expectation that some of their costs will
| be covered by funding from the Taiwanese government. As part of this
| they need to prove that there were a certain percentage of foreign
| attendees. To do so requires passing attendee name + nationality details
| to the university and thus the government. As we did not make attendees
| aware of this before they registered for the conference we are
| contacting you now to give you an opportunity to request that we
| withhold your information from the details we pass over. If you wish
| to do so please contact us by <date>.

I don't know whether you also want to add that there will be a financial
penalty if we don't provide this information; personally I can't think
of a way to word it that doesn't sound a bit like coercion.

For those who don't want their details passed over it should be possible
to provide aggregate data; a total number of foreign attendees to
declined to have their data provided won't reveal anything. A breakdown
per country might well leak such information however.


I wish life had a scroll-back buffer.

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