On Mon, 30 May 2016, I wrote:

> On Mon, 30 May 2016, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> > 
> > You can just install the m68k cross-toolchain in Debian 
> > testing/unstable, then download the kernel sources or ask Finn to 
> > provide you with the sources he has and then build the kernel with 
> That kernel already has CONFIG_FHANDLE=y. (The config file is included 
> in the download.)
> I guess I'll have to set up a recent dpo system to figure this out.

I downloaded the dpo filesystem from 

$ md5sum unstable-m68k-20150315.tar.gz 
155e2e983d8364f471061bff45c0c5b0  unstable-m68k-20150315.tar.gz

This information seems to be missing from wiki.debian.org (which seems to 
have only broken links to root filesystem downloads elsewhere).

To populate the SD card root partition, I used the following commands:

# mkfs.ext2 -N 524288 /dev/sdX6
# mount /dev/sdX6 /mnt/tmp/
# tar -zf unstable-m68k-20150315.tar.gz --strip-components 1 -C /mnt/tmp/ -xp 
# umount /mnt/tmp

Then I moved the SD card to the Mac LC III and used Penguin to boot the 
same kernel build that Stefen and I discussed, with the kernel parameters 
"console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda6".

Like Stefan, I found that the serial console works intermittently. 
Sometimes it boots fine e.g.

[  OK  ] Found device /dev/ttyS0.
         Starting Serial Getty on ttyS0...
[  OK  ] Started Serial Getty on ttyS0.

But at other times I see instead,

[ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-ttyS0.device.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Serial Getty on ttyS0.

When I compare the entire boot logs, the udev output is shifted slightly 
which suggests that systemd is racing with udev. I suspect that /dev/ttyS0 
sometimes appears too late.

I figured this was probably a known bug so I tried 'apt-get update'
but it doesn't work (eventual bus error or seg fault).

And I'm getting "Failed to execute operation: Connection timed out" from 
systemctl, and other systemd weirdness like a shutdown hang.

I also tried to fetch ntpdate_4.2.8p7+dfsg-4_m68k.deb but wget fails with 
"Read error at byte 0/63850 (Invalid argument)".

Next up I will have to try to build an equivalent Atari kernel and test 
the same filesystem on Aranym, or else somehow try to fetch and install a 
Debian kernel on this 68030 system.

Adrian, if you debootstrap and publish a more up-to-date root filesystem, 
I suggest that /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/apt/sources.list should use 
Google DNS and ftp.ports.debian.org respectively.


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