Hi, Should I first uncompress both files or just cat them both together and what one should I put first?  I would have thought that this topic would have already been brought up and some recovery method already made up for this purpose as lots of newer systems do not have CD or DVD or BD drives so a discless installation and repair method from scratch would be a useful thing to build into the debian-installer or have an option in the menu to build such a partition or boot entry?  Nick Gawronski

On 8/30/2021 4:41 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
Nick Gawronski, le lun. 30 août 2021 16:27:29 -0500, a ecrit:
The issue is that all of my network cards require non-free firmware
to load is there a version of the GTK network boot files that contain
this firmware?
Ah, no, the firmwares are not inside the initrd.
But you can cat the initrd.gz and the firmware.cpio.gz file from
to produce one file that you give to the initrd command of grub, that
should be doing it.

With grub in the default configuration can you type in a label to
launch it
Grub's menuentry command has a --hotkey parameter, yes:

menuentry --hotkey=i 'Install' {


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