On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 08:05:35PM +1000, Glenn McGrath wrote:
> I recently made some big changes to gunzip, looks like i didnt test it
> well enough.


> I will look into it now, i doubt #3 is anything serious, as ive been
> using it a lot with dpkg, dpkg-deb, probably some error messages or
> something are getting mixed up in the output stream.

There are at least two bugs: one is that fseek() doesn't work on
unseekable file handles, like stdin and stdout; the other (that you're
fortunately avoiding) is that the order of evaluation in C of the oeprands
of arithmetic operators like "+" is undefined. That is, code like:

        int chars_printed = printf("foo") + printf("bar");

will usually equal 6, but you could get "foobar" printed, "barfoo"
printed, or even conceivably something completely different.

A rough patch which seems to get it working again is:

        /* Ignore time stamp(4), extra flags(1), OS type(1) */
-       fseek(in_file, 6, SEEK_CUR);
+       { int i = 0; while (i < 6) { fgetc(in_file); i++; } }
+       /* fseek(in_file, 6, SEEK_CUR); -- you can't seek on stdin */
        if ((flags & extra_field) != 0) {
-               fseek(in_file, (size_t) fgetc(in_file) + ((size_t)fgetc(in_file)
 << 8), SEEK_CUR);
+               int i;
+               i = fgetc(in_file);
+               i += fgetc(in_file) << 8;
+               while (i-- > 0) fgetc(in_file);
+               /* fseek(in_file, (size_t) fgetc(in_file) + ((size_t)fgetc(in_fi
le) << 8), SEEK_CUR);
+                * -- you can't seek on stdin, and the order of function calls
+                * in the above isn't guaranteed */

Dicking around with gzip code is just asking for obscure bugs to bite in
you in the bum, though...


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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