d-i's 10 year anniversary is sometime in the next year. The timing
depends on how you measure the start of the project; was it:

- When some of us began to get dissatisfied with the boot-floppies and
  began semi-seriously talking about replacing it? (Mid 1999)
- When I met aph at a LinuxWorld party in NYC and got his blessing
  to replace the boot-floppies? (Early 2000)
- When the first design discussions began on the list, and first commits
  were made? (Jun 2000)
- When the design draft was done, or d-i sorta ran for the first time?
  (Sep-Nov 2000)

In any case, we have nearly a decade of commit logs, and I am using the
code_swarm tool to produce a fancy visualization of them. A rough draft
of the video is here: http://kitenet.net/~joey/tmp/d-i_code_swarm_raw.avi

I will be adding music to it, and captioning important events in the 
project's history, and plan to release the finised video in time for

Here's my list of possible captions, do let me know if I missed anything:

- Winter, 1999: aph gives Joey go-ahead
- June 17 2000: First design discussions begin on list
- September 12 2000: Design draft done
- November 28 2000: First runnable d-i build
- January 28 2001: First boot of d-i (from floppy)
- Feb 2001 - July 2002: Hiatus, boot-floppies used for Debian 3.0
  (very clear in the code_swarm, I think)
- July-ish 2002: Tollef Fog Heen takes over d-i leadership from Joey Hess
- Early 2003: First successful installs!
  (By July, don't have an exact date)
- September 2003: Joey takes over leadership again
- November 9 2003: Beta 1
- 14 Jan 2004: Beta 2
- 15 Mar 2004: Beta 3
- 30 Apr 2004: Beta 4, supports 10 architectures
- 21 June 2004: First distro ships with d-i (Skolelinux 1.0)
- 7 Aug 2004: Release candidate 1
- 22 Nov 2004: Release candidate 2
- 23 Mar 2005: Release candidate 3
- June 6 2005: Debian 3.1, first release with d-i
- 11 Nov 2005: Etch beta 1
- early 2006: Frans pop becomes d-i RM
- 15 Mar 2006: Etch beta 2
- 11 Aug 2006: Etch beta 3
- 13 Nov 2006: Etch release candidate 1
- 19 Mar 2007: Etch release candidate 2
- April 8 2007: Debian 4.0 (etch)
- January 2008: Otavio Salvadore becomes d-i RM
- 16 Mar 2008: Lenny beta 1
- 9 Jun 2008: Lenny beta 2
- 12 Nov 2008: Lenny release candidate 1
- 31 Jan 2009: Lenny release candidate 2
- 14 Feb 2009 Debian 5.0 (lenny)

see shy jo

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