I've finally been able to test D-I with consoel-setup replacing

That was a crude test:

- build c-s

- put udebs in installer/build/localudebs

- installer/build/pkg-lists/netboot/i386.cfg:
  - comment kbd-config
  - add console-setup-udeb, console-setup-pc-ekmap, console-setup-fonts-udeb

- rebuilt D-I netboot

- boot D-I (expert mode)

- choose French

Then, I was prompted for many keyboard/font related things, in
French. Keymap names *were translated* (at least partly), so Samuel
changes are appareently working as expected.

However, even though nothing apparently failed in c-s, the keymap in
D-I remained unchanged....

Then, later trying to come back in "Keyboard configuration" just did

Still, that gives good hope that we can manage to solve these issues
and move on and switch from kbd-config to console-setup. I really
encourage D-I contributors to test all this and report problems...or
send patches..:-)


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