On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 09:22:57AM -0500, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 05:52:26AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> > 
> > only problem with it is the basedebs.tgz needs to match the
> > debootstrap it will be used with.  so if debootstrap gets updated and
> > the basedebs.tgz gets regenerated with that version any old build of
> > boot-floppies won't be compatible with the new basedebs.tgz.  (only if
> > the base lists changed)
> Only if the base lists (whatever that is) changed, it will be incompatible?
> Is this list available in the disks-<arch> directory after it is installed?
> So the script building basedebs could check that script and use the correct
> packages?
> Or maybe we have different basedebs versions, one for each debootstrap
> version?
> Just choose anything, but do not integrate it into the boot-floppies.

no the base list is part of debootstrap, boot-floppies knows nothing
about it.  look at /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/woody.

the only solution is building basedebs.tgz only with the version of
debootstrap that the latest build of b-f used.  or accepting the fact
that you have to rebuild b-f every time debootstrap updates its base list.

> > anything doing this must ask permission first, some of us needs those
> > files.  
> Sure, optional. Or maybe intelligent? If the installer detects that it
> doesn't have enough diskspace available, it might propose to delete some of
> the files in /var/cache/apt instead of failing with some weird messages, if
> at all. I don't remember seeing any hint when the installation on a 100MB
> partition failed for me, where it use to work just fine before.

well if im understanding your problem deleting /var/cache won't do any
good, since you can't do that until after you have extracted the .debs
in /var/cache.  

> Yes, but when files are unpacked, the end in /var/cache/apt. And they stay

they end up there anyway, thats where debootstrap downloads them to.

> there even after they have been installed. Even when installing from the
> network, the debs stay in /var/cache. So a woody install needs about double
> the space on the linux partitions than potato used to. And there are

no way around that, you can't delete them until after you extract them.

> people on try to install on a 100MB partition. Do you know how many people
> find and old mac and want to install linux on it? It would be nice if they
> could also install woody, and not only potato.
> I don't want /var/cache/apt to be blindly erased, but maybe the user should
> have an option to do so, if the installation is running out of space
> otherwise.

base-config is already blindly erasing it, the maintainer refuses to
fix that for those who don't want it erased.

if your problem is occuring in boot-floppies base install as i suspect
there is nothing that can be done, other the resurecting the old
potato style baseX_Y.tgz (which is gross since that has to be built
on each arch, its not arch independent unlike basedebs.tgz).

also keep in mind that woody's base is simply more bloated then
potato's.  removing some of the bloat would probably help this problem
more then anything IMO.  (base shouldn't have an MTA IMO, among a few
other things).

Ethan Benson

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