On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 11:01:13AM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> I used the installer system, after installation was complete, to move some
> partitions around and re-set the boot configuration. 
> The /etc/fstab was incorrect after I did that (duh). Would it make
> sense to move the automatic configuration of that file into the Make Hard
> Disk Bootable step? In my case, since I was changing the partition
> numbering, I expected that step to do whatever was necessary to make the
> system bootable.

i don't think its appropriate for Make System Bootable to be messing
with /etc/fstab, not all users will want to use Make System Bootable
(particularly on x86 systems) and many architectures don't support
that step at all.  

on older boot-floppies you might be able to get away with rerunning
`configure the base system' which is where this step is currently
located, but current boot-floppies don't allow you to rerun that step,
its automatically run after base install (since its non-interactive

if your messing with partition ordering you need to edit /etc/fstab
yourself, or better do it before you install.  

Ethan Benson

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