moving this to -boot exclusivly.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 11:54:08AM +0100, Jørgen Hermanrud Fjeld wrote:
> Hi.
> Although it might sound stupid, my question is:
> Will there ever come a time when making 1220 boot floppies with 2.4.x kernel 
> will be doable?

it can probably be done, its just a pain to get a configuration that
will work acceptably and one that still fits.  this kind of hassle is
something the boot-floppies team has decided not to deal with right
now (especially since its been decided woody will use 2.2 not 2.4).

> If I assume that it's the kernel size that makes it difficult, then it 
> doesn't matter wether we use boot-floppies or debian-installer.
> This leads me to believe we can't ship with 2.4 kernel until we drop debian 
> support for 1220 floppies.
> Is this correct?

depends on several things, like i said with a tightly configured
kernel it probably can be done, but its finicky to work out acceptable
configurations in this manner.  (just see the archives for all the
various things that come up all the time).

> If not, how can we ever hope to ship with 2.4.x kernels?
> How many debian users have the need for 1220 boot floppies?

enough apparently.

> And when I can create my own special boot floppy with 2.4.13 kernel, because 
> I have a new computer with HW RAID, does this mean we prioritize those with 
> older machines and 1220 floppies, higher than we prioritize those who have 
> expensive advanced new hardware?

thats what flavors are for.

> And isn't the need for supporting this new hardware more imminent than the 
> need for supporting 1220 floppies?

depends, if you have lots of cash you don't care much about old
hardware, if your poor you do.  

the bottom line for woody is we are using 2.2.  2.4 boot-floppies are
probably possible but it would be quite a lot of work (nothing in
boot-floppies is trivial, even if it appears so.  you can never truly
understand this until you have suffered the torment of working on
them) and again its been decided that woody uses 2.2, thats not up to

if you don't like that you have two options:

1: switch to an architecture using 2.4 by default.
2: make your own custom set of boot-floppies.

Ethan Benson

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