On Sat, Nov 17, 2001 at 12:12:37PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
> Fourthly, I don't killfile coworkers on projects, because I belive that
> that can lead to disastrous breakdowns in communications. I may,
> however, leave projects in disgust. My disgust level with Ethan is
> currently quite high. Threatening to abuse boot-floppies commit
> privlidges to put in a disgusting hack. Insinuating that I would
> silently ignore NMU's. These are not behaviors I expect to see from a
> member of this project.

Joey, you SHOULD quit this project.  You are of no use to it any
longer, you are publically displaying an absolute intent to force YOUR
system administration policies down upon ALL of debian's users.  

This VIOLATES Debian's social contract which says Debian's priorities
are its USERS and Free software.  

The apt cache of packages is VERY useful to many people without your
obviously unlimited and superior network connection, the existence of
the apt-move package is an example of this usefulness, yet you INSIST
and DEMAND that all these files be SILENTLY DESTROYED without ever
asking the admin if that is what they want. 

you have demonstrated a complete and total UNWILLINGNESS to fix this
flaw. all you do instead is spew endless personal attacks against me,
sending the worst of which in private mail so as not to completly
expose what you really are.

Do everyone a favor and leave this project.

As for boot-floppies I think its imperitive that we fork base-config
and debootstrap as they are far to important to be maintained by
hostile individuals who DO NOT have Debian users interests in mind.

Ethan Benson

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